Given the fact that South Sudan is a nascent country in terms of its establishment JS KUWA believes that there are enormous opportunities for foreign investors in the country. The country, after its independence, has inherited a poor or almost nothing of infrastructure or trappings of modern state. Building roads, bridges, establishing factories, investing in food production . . . you name it are all business opportunities.
The government of South Sudan has set guidelines for attracting foreign investment into the country. It endeavored to make those guidelines tandem with international criteria while preserving national interests. Such policies include guarantees against expropriation of properties or nationalization of enterprise, enforcing the law of protecting intellectual proprieties, enabling investors to having fair access to public information including decisions of courts, rights for repatriating their capitals . . . etc.
Investment opportunities are striking as they are tremendous.
The population is over 10 million, while about 50% are active labor force, 40% of them are below 14 years of age which strikingly indicates stable supply of labor force to the any investment project in the future.
Economy of South Sudan is gradually growing and expanding. The good news is that beneath the land of South Sudan embeds huge amount of oil and gas reserves as well as rare metals and minerals. Not to mention its fertile soil and perennial river Nile. All these add to natural collaterals to the success of any investment
JS KUWA will incorporate its mission here by utilizing its affinity with South Sudan, expert staff abilities to provide the right information and consultation services to the investors including:
*Providing information about the investment opportunities from its reliable sources.
*Providing logistic support including information gathering, market research, feasibility studies.
*Locating and match making between foreign investors and/or the locals.